You think you aren't good enough to bless others? You think you don't know how to bless anyone?
And . . . You really do already know how. Listen. That's the key. Listen to the other person first. Hear their words. Hear what they are saying as well as what they aren't saying. Watch them closely. That's listening with your eyes.
Then listen to your gut. Use your intuition. Do you have a feeling from down inside yourself that there's something happening here that you should respond to? Do it!
How do you respond? Again, listen. Listen to that little voice inside that tells you to say this or that. Do it with love. If the feeling is that you should simply hug the person, hug them. If you aren't sure how a hug might be received, ask if they would like a hug from you. Don't force it. Just ask and wait for a response. If none comes, be happy to know that you at least offered it as an indication of support. But listen again, more closely than before, for they may really want a hug but are afraid to accept it for various reasons.
And so I say, you are equipped to bless. Done out of love for a fellow human being, it is the greatest thing you can do. It is the result of a God-given gift hidden in you. Use it!
Use it again.
And again.