Hi! Pete Vanderpool here. Welcome to my world.
I believe we are all unique spiritual beings living a human experience, that we are connected to each other, and that experience equips us to bless others. From this point of view, I'll start blogging for Equipped to Bless. Oh, by the way, I have a book entitled Equipped to Bless; Finding Relevance in the Stories of Your Life. Wendy C. Brown and I co-wrote it a while back.
Story has become very important in today's world, but few people talk about examining them, linking them together, or searching them for relevance. Wendy and I discovered while collecting and writing these stories, that relevance is very important. Psychologists refer to it as narrative therapy, but you don't have to be going to one of them to use and benefit from the technique.
Read the book. You'll see.
Go to our website and order one.